Society tells us that we should forgive people but don’t forget what they did. Always remember so that you won’t fall for it again or so they won’t be able to hurt/offend you again. But then have you really forgiven that person? When you keep remember it triggers those same emotions you had when the offense occurred. Then you are back at square one, mad and in your feelings. Ask me how I know lol. When we sin against God, whatever it is, (a sin is a sin, no one is greater or lesser) and we confess we were wrong and repent (change our way of thinking so that we don’t do it again), He is faithful to forgive us. He throws the sin, the offense and the memory into a sea of forgetfulness (Micah 7 v 19). So if God can do it, why can’t we do the same? That is love, to not hold on to an offense. Love covers a multitude of sin (1 Peter 4v 8). Regardless of how we feel if we show love, we will be able to forgive and forget. Just choosing to forgive is a big act of love. Forgiveness is a choice. Once that choice is made, fully commit to it. Don’t continue to live in the offense. Throw it into the sea of forgetfulnes, like our Father does❤️
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1 John 4 v 7
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